A: Muhammad (saw) was the prophet of Islam and the one to whom the final religion was revealed by God. He was born in a noble family in 570CE in Makkah, Arabia and he was a descendant of Prophet Abraham(as). The word ‘Muhammad’ literally means ‘praiseworthy’.
Life before Prophethood
His father, Abdullah, died a few months before his birth and his mother, Amena, died when he was just six years old. He was then cared for by his grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, who also died two years later. Muhammad(saw) was then looked after by his uncle Abu-Talib.Despite these hardships, Muhammad(saw) grew up to be an honest, dignified, truthful, and intelligent person. He also helped his uncle with his trade, sometimes accompanying him on his travels to other lands. Muhammad(saw) led a pious and simple life. He was well-known for his willingness to help others and his conduct earned him the titles of As-Siddique (meaning the most truthful) and Al-Amin (meaning the most trustworthy).When he was twenty-five years old Muhammad(saw) married a respectable widow named Khadija who was fifteen years his senior. She was so impressed by the noble character of Muhammad(saw) that she placed at his disposal her wealth and slaves – whom he set free. Muhammad(saw) also distributed much of the property among the poor.
Prophet Muhammad(saw) used to spend his time in the remembrance of Allah. Often he would meditate in a cave called Hir’a that lay a few miles away from Makkah. When he was forty years old he had a vision in which Angel Gabriel appeared and conveyed to him the first revelation from Allah in the following words:
‘Recite in the name of your Lord Who created, created man from an adhesive clot. Recite, and your Lord is the Noblest, Who taught by the pen, taught man what he knew not.’
(Holy Qur’an Ch.96: vs. 2-6)
Muhammad(saw) was so overawed by this experience that he rushed home and related it to his wife Khadija(ra), who then took Muhammad(saw) to her cousin Waraqa bin Naufal who was a Christian hermit. On hearing what had happened Waraqa said, ‘The angel who has descended on you is, I am sure, the same angel who previously descended on Moses.’ He was evidently referring to the prophecy in Deuteronomy 18:18 (‘I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.’) foretelling the arrival of a great prophet. This, in fact, marked the beginning of the mission of Muhammad(saw) as an apostle of Allah. The verses noted above are the first verses of the Holy Qur’an that was revealed to Muhammad(saw). Over the next twenty three years the entire Holy Qur’an was revealed to him and to this day it remains completely unchanged.
His Mission
Prophet Muhammad(saw) denounced the worship of false deities and preached the Unity of Allah. He said that Allah alone was worthy of worship and nothing else was equal to Him. Muhammad(saw) helped the poor, liberated slaves and established equal rights of women. He told his followers to be patient during hardship and to pray to Allah. His mission was to eradicate evil and iniquity and to establish goodness and piety in the world.
Struggles and Successes
The idolaters of Makkah would not listen to Muhammad(saw) and opposed him tooth and nail. He and his followers were persecuted in every way. They were subjected to all sorts of indignities, and the Muslim slaves were treated particularly badly. After thirteen years of persecution at the hands of the Makkans Muhammad(saw) was directed by Allah to migrate to Madinah, nearly 260 miles north of Makkah.
However, even there the Makkans did not let him live in peace. They fought a number of battles against him, but were defeated. Muhammad(saw) only fought in defence and when victorious he declared a general amnesty to his enemies. When Makkah was finally conquered by Muhammad(saw) it was done peacefully without any battle. Furthermore, Muhammad(saw) was extremely forgiving and magnanimous towards his enemies.
He invited the whole world to Islam but also granted everyone freedom to practice their own faith under the protection of Islam.His life is indeed remarkable for within its span of some sixty two years, the whole gamut of human experiences seems to have been played out, from poverty to riches, from failure to success, from friend-lessness to unquestioned power, from persecution to kingly authority.
He was resigned to being an orphan, was an affectionate adopted child, an honest trader, a kind father, a loving husband, a caring neighbour, a great warrior and general, a just judge and law-giver, an enlightened statesman, a faithful friend and above all a prophet and the preacher of the Word of Allah.
He passed away in 622 CE leaving behind a very pious and righteous community of believers who continued his mission to spread Islam in all parts of the world despite heavy odds. Today there are more than one billion Muslims in the world.
Who was the Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
What is Islam?
In What is Islam?It was founded by Prophet Muhammad(saw) over 1400 years ago in Arabia. Prophet Muhammad(saw) received revelation from Allah in which he was told that Islam was the final and most complete religion for mankind. The followers of Islam are called Muslims.
Islam’s holy book is The Holy Qur’an and this was revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad(sa). It is a source of complete guidance. Its teachings are in agreement with human nature. Islam is a religion revealed for the whole of mankind for all time to come.
The Founder of Islam
Prophet Muhammad(saw) (570-632 CE) was born in Makkah, Arabia. He was known for his honesty and piety. He was also inspired with a strong love for Allah and mankind.
He married at the age of 25. Fifteen years later he received his first Qur’anic revelation from Allah whilst meditating in a cave called Hir’a near Makkah. This marked the beginning of the mission of Muhammad(saw) as the apostle of Allah. His prime message was the Unity of Allah and he continued to stress this throughout his life.
True to his character Prophet Muhammad(saw) practised what he preached and provided a living example of all that Islam teaches. His humility, truthfulness, tolerance, resolve, courage, kindness and wisdom remain exemplary.
The Holy Book of Islam
The Holy Qur’an is the holy book of Islam. It is the Word of Allah and was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(sa) over a period of 23 years. It is spread over 30 parts and has 114 chapters.
It contains a vast array of teachings and is a comprehensive code of conduct for mankind. It also contains numerous prophecies many of which have been fulfilled and many that remain to be fulfilled.
The Holy Qur’an is written in Arabic – the very language in which it was revealed. The word Qur’an means something that is recited over and over again and indeed Muslims recite the Holy Qur’an many times over in their lives. There are many Muslims who have also memorised the entire Qur’an. Despite being over 1400 years old the Qur’anic text has remained intact – as promised in the Qur’an by Allah Himself. The translation of the Holy Qur’an is now also available in more that 50 languages including English
The Teachings of Islam
Allah taught religion to the world gradually by sending His prophets at different times and to different peoples. This religious guidance was completed and perfected through Islam.
The key teachings of Islam are known as the five pillars of Islam.
The Five Pillars of Islam
This is the declaration of one’s faith in the unity of Allah and acceptance of Prophet Muhammad(saw) as a messenger of Allah.
The meaning of the actual declaration is, “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”
(‘Allah’ is means One Who is free from all defects and possesses all kinds of good attributes.)
Muslims must offer the five daily prayers to develop and benefit from a personal relationship with Allah.
Saum (Fasting)
Muslims must fast during the holy month of Ramadan. Whilst fasting, Muslims cannot eat or drink between dawn and dusk.
Some people are exempted from fasting including the sick, pregnant or nursing mothers, young children and those on journeys. During Ramadan Muslims make an extra effort to remember Allah and to seek His forgiveness.
Zakat (Almsgiving)
Muslims are required to give a fixed proportion of their wealth for the benefit of the poor and needy. The basic rate is normally 2.5% of one’s annual savings.
Muslims should make a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in their lifetime if possible. The Pilgrimage is made during the month of Hajj, the twelfth lunar month of the Islamic calendar.
Muslims also believe in all prophets of Allah, His angels, His holy books, life after death, the Day of Judgement and in the Divine Decree of Allah. Islam also emphasises that men and women are equal before Allah and only righteous deeds elevate one person above another.
Islam reinforces the concept of humanity and respect for individual liberty. It also reminds man of his fundamental human right of being free to choose his own religion. It is clearly stated in The Qur’an that there is no compulsion in religion (Holy Qur'an Ch.2 V.257).
Education is so important that Muslim men and women are encouraged to seek knowledge wherever it may be.
How i can Help Flood Victims? Here is how?
In News and Views, In PakistanTuesday, August 10, 2010
flood which turn homes into rivers
Pakistan’s deadliest floods in decades killed more than 2000 people and overwhelmed government efforts to provide aid, officials and relief workers said. More than 2000 people have died in Pakistan’s northwestern province, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, said Noor Muhammad, a press officer for the provincial development ministry. Government and private relief agencies are managing to provide “only 5 percent of what’s required,” Mujahid Khan, provincial spokesman for the Edhi Foundation, which runs Pakistan’s largest ambulance and rescue services, said by phone from Peshawar.
According to United Nations , about more than 13 Million people affected from this flood, more than Tsunami.
Officials in Pakistan’s other provinces — Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan — braced for the floodwaters moving down the Indus River and its tributaries. The Sindh government ordered residents evacuated from locales along the Indus.
The floods, which according to U.K. charity Oxfam may be Pakistan’s worst in 85 years, may cut the production of rice, sugarcane and corn by about 10 percent to 15 percent, said Nasir Cheema, president of Pakistan’s Chamber of Agriculture.
Pakistani television networks showed survivors clinging to trees or debris in muddy, raging mountain rivers.
Following is a list of donation links, NGO’s, relief resources, organizations and individuals working to support flood victims of Pakistan. If you are willing to contribute, or know somebody who can help, please contact the following. Please note that besides sending cash through below mentioned charity organizations, you can support by providing following commodities. Please do not donate old/expired stuff. Make sure edible items are hygienic and properly packed:
- Clothing: Clothes of various sizes, Beddings, Shoes
- Utensils: Jerricans (large plastic cans that hold 20 liters of water or other liquids), Crockery, Buckets
- Toiletries: Tissues, Soaps, Dettol (antibacterial cleaners), Towels
- Food: Rice, Sugar, Flour (Atta), Onions, Potatoes, Cooking oil, Tea, Milk (tetra packs or powder), Safe drinking water, Cooked Food
Medicines:- Water purification tablets.
Life saving drugs.
- Vaccines
- Pain killers including strong ones like morphine derivatives, tremadol, pethadine, kinz, panadol, brufen, voren, synflex
- Antibiotics e.g. Augmenton, Tetnus, Amoxil, Gentamycin.
- IV cannulas- most common are 18,22,24- Butterfly cannulas: these are for children
- IV Drip sets
- IV drips: normal saline, ringerlactate,haemacelle
- Local anesthetics (injections)
- Cotton bandages, cotton.
- Surgical instruments: e.g needle holders, forceps, tweezers, surgical tapes
- Suturing materials, Skin staples, bsorbable and non absorbable: catgut sutures, vicryl, proline
- Bandages: crepe
- Gauze pads
- Sani-plasts
- Folleys catheter and urine bags
- Cotton
- Surgical blades
- IV pain killers: diclofenac
- Pyodene solutions are decontamination
- Cough syrups
- Sedatives: xanax, sossegon
- Antibiotics: again oral and IV: most common are augmentin, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, zinacef,clafron, penicillin G, ampliclox, oral or IV flagyl syrup, cefspa
- Vaccines: inj TT/ inj ATS
Al-Khidmat Foundation: Donate here: http://al-khidmatfoundation.org/donate-here.php
Edhi Foundation: Donate here: http://www.edhifoundation.com/contact.asp
Sarhad Rural Support Programme
Concerned citizens based in Lahore are collecting relief items for the Sarhad Rural Support Programme, the largest NGO in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. SRSP’s experience and size make it the most suitable choice for donations at this time. They are a part of the Rural Support Programmes Network (rspn.org), founded by Shoaib Sultan Khan, who was nominated for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (along with President Obama and others).
People may make donations directly to SRSP, write crossed cheques to us in favor of SRSP or donate relief goods directly to them (which will then be loaded on to trucks headed for SRSP warehouses in Peshawar. People are also welcome to join in the effort of loading the trucks and actually making the trip to the affected areas to see the profound difference their generosity makes in the lives of so many.
The link to their Facebook page is : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=120053684708340
Contacy: Umar Agha. Cell: 0321 842-2425 and email: ua2121@columbia.edu
Maymar Trust
To donate a ( 10 x 10) tent for a family: Rs. 12,000
A huge tent ( 14 x 14) for a few families: Rs. 5,000
A tent for a mosque ( 30 x 30) : Rs. 30,000
Gas Cylinder: Rs. 900
Generator: Rs. 80,000
Food: 8,000/-for one month
Medical Supplies: Rs.20 to 25,000/- ( for one day )
Beds and bedding: 300 per bed
Plastic Tirpal ( shade)( 4 x6) : Rs.900/-
Donate here:
Account Title: Muhammad Faisal
A/c No: 011802008000265
Meezan Bank/ Gulshan-e-Maymar, Karachi.
A/C Title: Tariq Manzoor
Muslim Commercial Bank
Branch Code: 1555
Omar Asghar Khan Development Foundation see: http://www.oakdf.org.pk/
Here is the information required to make a donation:
Title of Account: Omar Asghar Khan Development Foundation
Account #: 0030445261000455
Name of Bank: MCB Bank (1028), Super Market, Islamabad-Pakistan
Tax Exemption: 6043/ATD/2008-09
Donate here: http://sungi.org/emergency_donations_contact_information.html
Pakistan Red Crescent Society:
PRCS has offices in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Muzaffarabad. Please see: http://www.prcs.org.pk/help.asp
Pakistani Youth:
Please see:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=140364565986483&ref=mf
An independent group of students:
see: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=147776388569606&ref=nf
The Volunteers/ Voice of the Civil Society:
VOTCS with the help of our Pak Army jawans will be sending Provisions to the affectees. VOTCS is now a registered (No. DSW 3369-K) welfare organization in Pakistan, and is operating as a Non-Profit, Public Charity in the North America, Inc. – 501(C)(3) Organization(Tax Exempted)
For more info call:
Hadia khan@03018245999
Sadia Haroon@03218251122
Irum Farooque@03002332142
Samina Punjwani@ 786-367-6559 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting786-367-6559end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting786-367-6559end_of_the_skype_highlighting Miami Florida
Young doctors are in the process of arranging a series of free medical camps in the flood affected areas. First Camp is at Nowshera.
Please Contact Ms. Alina Akhyar at alinaakhyar@yahoo.com, who will email you the Trust’s past activities, bank account details and other queries. They have already done some pretty impressive work.
Account number: 00400101065364
Account title: Khadija Nadeem
Askari Bank
Chaklala Scheme 3 branch
Khadija is the founding member and handling all donations.
Trocaire (an Irish NGO that’s funding Noor Education Trust, Rural Development Project and Pakistan Village Development Program):
Trócaire has already launched an emergency appeal and committed €200,000 to help families and communities in the north west of the country.
In Peshawar district, one of the worst affected areas, Trócaire’s partners have already begun working in 4 villages where 10,000 people need food, water and support.
Trócaire has been working in Pakistan for over 20 years, making it well placed to respond quickly to this disaster and get help quickly to where it’s needed most.
Cecil Dunne, Pakistan emergency officer says the situation is really desperate for over thousands of families who have been forced from their homes. “This is a terrible situation for families and communities who only a year ago had their lives turned upside down by widespread violence in this area and now they are on the run again from flooding. The thing is that the monsoon season hasn’t even started yet so people here are very vulnerable and need immediate help.”
To donate: https://www.trocaire.org/make-a-donation
Islamic Relief USA: Donate here: http://www.islamicreliefusa.org/Page.aspx?pid=463
UNHCR: Donate here: http://www.unhcr.org/emergency/pakistan/global_landing.html
You can also mail your donations to UNHCR:
Private Sector Fundraising
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Genève 2 Dépôt
UNHCR Canada: https://www.strategicprofitsinc.com/hosted/unhcr/index_s.php
UNICEF USA- Donate Here (https://secure.unicefusa.org/site/Donation2?idb=784883377&df_id=1661&1661.donation=form1&JServSessionIdr010=vmk328n351.app17b)
United Nation’s World Food Programme: Donations are tax deductible for number of countries.
Donate here: https://secure.my-websites.org/supporter/donatenow.do?n=gbss&dfdbid=1044253
Plan International ( Pakistan specific): https://secure.my-websites.org/supporter/donatenow.do?n=gbss&dfdbid=1044253
IRC (The International Rescue Committee): donate here:http://www.theirc.org/news/irc-team-responds-devastating-floods-pakistan
Islamic Help (England): You can make a cheque/postal order made payable to ‘Islamic Help’ and send it to:
Islamic Help 19 Ombersley Road Balsall Heath Birmingham B12 8UR
Please do not send cash in the post and please do not forget to write your name and address on a piece of paper.
Bank: You can put money directly in their bank account
Name: Islamic Help
Bank: HSBC
Account No: 41687425
Sort Code: 40-42-12
If you are in a country other than the UK, you can go into any bank in the world and quote the following International Bank Account:
Number (IBAN) and Branch Identifier Code (BIC)
IBAN: GB 72 MIDL 404212 41687425
Muslim Aid (England): Send a cheque or postal order made payable to ‘Muslim Aid’, together with a note of your name and address to:
Muslim Aid, P O Box 3, London, E1 1WP
Donate directly to their bank account:
Name of the Muslim Aid Bank: LLOYDS TSB
Address of the Muslim Aid Bank:
To donate in pound sterling £
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID-DONATION AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 01436818
Iban (outside UK): GB25 LOYD 3094 2101 436818
To donate in euros
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID- EURO AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 86151365
Iban (outside UK): GB42 LOYD 3094 2186 151365
To donate in dollars $
Name of the account: MUSLIM AID-DOLLAR AC
Sort code: 30-94-21
Account number: 12044226
Iban (outside UK): GB75 LOYD 3094 2112 044226
Muslims Hands: NGO in England. Donate Here:http://www.muslimhands.org/en/gb/appeals/pakistan_flood_crisis/
SAVE THE CHILDRED: (http://www.savethechildren.org/newsroom/2010/help-families-pakistan-flooding.html?WT.mc_id=gg_e_np&gclid=CPPaxOHml6MCFQG3sgodyU0dow&WT.srch=1)
Please they are waiting for your help
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Owais Raza Qadri --- Al Nabi Sallu Alai
Noor wala aya hai